Slide gate Bulk material Bulk density (kg/l) Bulk graininess (mm) Bulk graininess (mm)0,02 - 0,2 dust0,06 - 0,6 powder0,6 - 2,0 fine granular2,0 - 5,0 medium granular5,0 - 10 coarse granular[GREATER_THAN] 10 Wear characteristics Wear characteristicslow (Mohs hardness 0-3)medium (Mohs hardness 4-5)high (Mohs hardness 6-7)verry high (Mohs hardness [GREATER_THAN] 7) Flowing properties Flowing propertiesfree flowingmoderate, sticky, gap-bridging Working time per/h Ambient temperature °C Product temperature °C Druckverhältnisse daPa oberhalb des Schiebers Druckverhältnisse daPa unterhalb des Schiebers Slide gate closes Slide gate closeswithout productin flowing product Bulk material from Bulk material fromsilo/binscrew conveyorconveyorothers Bulk material in Bulk material inbinoutdoorsothers column of bulk material m thightness to the outside thightness to the outsideproduct tightdust tightgas tight with/without leakage thightness in the passage thightness in the passageproduct tightdust tightgas tight with/without leakage Place of installation Place of installationbuildingoutdoors others Ex Zone inside Ex Zone insidekeine Zone3D dust2D dust1D Staub2G gas3G gas Ex Zone outside Ex Zone outsidekeine Zone2D dust3D dust2G gas3G gas Company* Straße * PLZ * Ort * Land * Name* Fax-Number Phone* E-Mail * Offer date Delivery date Produkt 13 + 14 = Submit